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Mnidfull quarterly guidance

Regular price
€100,00 EUR
Regular price
€100,00 EUR
Sale price
€100,00 EUR

50% off your first order with code PREMIER50

Receive a detailed analysis of energies for the coming quarter, telling you which areas of your life need attention month after month. Rmade with a minimum of 6 cards: one card per week, plus three summary cards for the quarter; this draw aims to show you the general trends for the quarter of your choice, accompanied by monthly summaries and advice to help you act calmly in your daily life.

Place order: Select the language, specify the quarter for which you wish to obtain advice, proceed to payment.

Delivery: A4 format PDF digital file, delivered by email within a maximum of one month.

Payment: Credit card and Paypal (Payment in 4 installments available with Paypal).

For who? Introverted, neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ people.

Given the personalized and digital nature of this service, no refunds can be made once payment has been made!