Ressentir pour grandir - Guidance thématique - presenceartdevivre

Feel to grow - Thematic guidance

When I create personal readings using the Benevolent Divination technique, I analyze my cards and oracles in order to obtain a message highlighting a specific theme on which I could meditate during the day. This guidance was carried out with the Lenormand, divinatory oracle by Caitlin Matthews to help you visualize my way of working; I invite you to read the analysis of the cards and associations to help you in your own drawings.

The theme that emerges today concerns the reception of our emotions and the way in which they make us evolve over time. If you wish, you can zoom in on the image of the print to observe the illustrations and do your own analysis ; you can also make your own draw using the proposed theme as a source of inspiration.




When I carry out guidance with the Lenormand, I draw between 3 and 9 cards, sometimes up to 18 cards to clarify the drawing in depth. For this print, I used the Lenormand by Caitlin Matthews published by Médicis, among which I have selected 5 cards, I will start by analyzing the main line then the column, to clearly highlight the guidance of the cards. I will begin by analyzing each card individually, relying on the illustrations provided and my intuition, in order to create a basis on which I will rely to synthesize the message.



  • The first line consists of the mice, the lady and the bear. As part of this analysis, I will rely on the illustrations rather than the text offered in the booklet, you can do the same if you wish to make your own print!
    -The first card depicts a group of mice on a dark background: it is often analyzed as something small, hidden that multiplies quickly and is considered a nuisance, it is often associated with conscious or unconscious fears and with what eats away at us the interior. Depending on the associations it can just as easily be positive, we will see that later!

    -The second card depicts a young woman in a pink dress, holding a flower to her heart, in a natural open space, with her head turned to the left side of the card: this is the card of femininity, welcome, receptivity and of the sacred feminine. We can also say that this is the card representing a consultant who identifies with the feminine gender identity, it can also represent you if you identify with the feminine gender.

    -The third card depicts a bear standing on its hind legs in the middle of the forest, looking to the right side of the card. The bear is a double meaning card, which can represent an enclosing or protective energy, it also represents the inner strength, the wild and animal energy which hides in each of us.

    If we look at all of these key words and these meanings, this is what emerges: fear of the unknown, gentleness and welcome, strength of character. We could summarize the message as follows.


    "Having fears is natural, it's part of life, the way I accept these fears strengthens me in the long term. These fears may never go away, but I am able to learn to manage them better over time. over time!”




      If you have the information you need in your draw, you can complete your analysis in the previous step; However, if you want to go further, you can also add additional cards.

      • The column consists of the fish, the lady and the ship.
        -The first card represents a school of fish, one of which comes into the foreground; This card represents financial abundance and the monetary flows that accompany it, often invisible beneath the surface, in classical analysis. I like to think that fish also represent all the other currents of life: emotions, wants and desires, destiny and everything that is linked to the nature of an individual and their way of positioning themselves in a band.

        -The second card depicts a young woman in a pink dress, holding a flower to her heart, in a natural open space, with her head turned to the left side of the card: it is the card of femininity, welcome, receptivity and of the sacred feminine. We can also say that this is the card representing a consultant who identifies with the feminine gender identity, it can also represent you if you identify with the feminine gender.

        -The third card represents a ship under full sail, set out to conquer the sea; it is a card of movement, acceleration, change. It also symbolizes the notion of travel, evolution, adventure and exploration.

        If we look at all of these key words and meanings, this is what emerges: the fluidity of emotions, the acceptance of what we feel, the movement towards new horizons. We could summarize the message as follows.

      “My emotions are natural and flow through me if I know how to welcome them without resisting, by letting myself be carried by this flow, I can benefit from the natural currents of life which take me exactly where I need to be without forcing.”



        Now that the drawing is done, I will be able to synthesize the previous analyses, simplifying the message to make it resonate more with my feelings. We can already see a theme emerging: that of fluidity, lightness, flexibility and welcome, it is very clear that our emotions here, whether positive or negative, help us move forward. on our path of evolution, even if we do not understand how or we do not see their immediate impact on our life. Here is the summary with which I end this draw:

        “By changing my outlook on my emotions and welcoming them with curiosity and gentleness, I allow myself to receive the discreet messages of my intuition, which naturally guides me towards love, self-acceptance and kindness.

        The more I accept to face my fears and discomfort with flexibility, the more I get used to experiencing difficult situations while respecting myself, the less I fear being overwhelmed by my emotions during these situations, the better I manage my life."




        Discover the basics of benevolent divination with the Runic divination manual available on Amazon! Learn to ask fair questions, analyze runes with ease, discover how to create and purify your personalized rune set and much more! 





        NOTE: This vision of divination was developed after years of research and personal reflection on this subject, it in no way seeks to replace established concepts, but rather to open up reflection and discussion; If you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment below or use a contact form.

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