"When I perform personal readings using the mindfulness divination technique, I analyze my cards and oracles in a way that reveals a specific theme for me to meditate on. This guidance was done with the Lenormand to help you visualize my way of working; I invite you to read the analysis of the cards and associations to assist you in your own readings."
The theme that emerges today relates to the essential nature of an individual and their integration into the various social and natural ecosystems of our planet. If you wish, you can enlarge the image of the drawing to observe the illustrations and make your own analysis; you can also perform your own drawing using the proposed theme as a source of inspiration.
"When I perform a reading with the Lenormand, I draw between 5 and 18 cards. For this reading, I used the Mlle. Lenormand Cartomancy Deck created by Piatnik, and I selected 9 cards, which I will analyze line by line and then column by column to clearly bring out the guidance of the cards. I will start by analyzing each card individually based on the illustrations provided and my intuition, in order to create a foundation on which I will rely to synthesize the message."
The first line consists of cards no. 13, 25, and 14.
-The first card is number 13, and represents a child; I associate this card with youth, play, innocence, and lightness.
-The second card no. 25 represents a ring; I won't dwell on the numbers in this analysis, but taking them into account can sometimes provide interesting insights. The ring represents associations in a broad sense, both in romantic, familial, professional, and friendly contexts. It is the card of the relationship with others and with oneself.
-The third card no. 14, represents a fox, often seen as a negative card, I like to think of the fox as a card of creative intelligence, which allows us to step off the beaten path in an innovative way. Here, it can also represent a state of voluntary isolation, calculated risk-taking, or a return to our true nature.
"Today, I find lightness in my relationships because I am no longer afraid of being alone or being myself. By detaching from the need to prove my worth, I rediscover the joy of play and the confidence I need to accept myself as I am."
The second line includes cards No. 36, 15, and 2.
-The first card No. 36, represents a cross and in this specific game a cross related to the Catholic religion. This card therefore represents the established rules, religious beliefs, faith, and the relationship between the divine and the material.
-The second card n°15, represents a bear, I like to see this card as inner strength, the uncontrollable animal energy that drives us to break established rules to intuitively follow the impulses of our deep nature.
-The third card no. 2, represents a clover, often associated with luck and opportunities, I like to analyze the clover as a young shoot taking root, the ability to create one's own luck and to take our responsibilities consciously.
"Here, I let go of established rules to follow my instinct, in order to create my own luck, off the beaten path."
The third line groups cards n°9, 21, and 7.
-The first card n°9 represents a bouquet, which is most often analyzed as a gift, a present, something beautiful, grace, or the blossoming of something.
-The second card n°21 represents a mountain, often called the mount; it represents something great, a solid anchor, slowness, heaviness, the foreigner, borders, and can be analyzed as the card of personal boundaries, whether positive or negative.
-The third card no. 7 represents a snake, which I like to analyze as the card of transformations, of the ripe, it is sometimes perceived as a card of conflicts, of turmoil, but I like to see the snake as a wise being, which can also refer to the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
"I gracefully open myself to my true nature by honoring my fears and considering them as tools of protection and affirmation of my deep nature."
See how the story gently takes shape:
By accepting my nature and enjoying my own presence, I discover that I no longer need to chase after the approval of others to enjoy life. I thus regain the taste for play and the confidence necessary to act with honesty and sincerity in my life, following my instinct rather than fighting against it. I then discover that my fears are valid and that they help me protect my identity by expressing my needs with honesty.

If you have the information you need in your draw, you can finish your analysis at the previous step; however, if you want to go further, you can also analyze each column.
The first column consists of cards no. 13, 36, and 9.
You can rely on the analyses conducted previously and move directly to the synthesis. In this article, I will recall the analyses of each card.
-The first card is number 13, and it represents a child; I associate this card with youth, play, innocence, and lightness.
-The second card no. 36, represents a cross and in this specific game a cross related to the Catholic religion. This card therefore represents the established rules, religious beliefs, faith, and the relationship between the divine and the material.
-The third card n°9 represents a bouquet, which is most often analyzed as a gift, a present, something beautiful, grace, or even the blossoming of something.
"I know how to play innocently with the established rules to rediscover grace and beauty in my life."
The second column consists of cards no. 25, 15, and 2.
-The first card no. 25 represents a ring; I won't dwell on the numbers in this analysis, but taking them into account can sometimes provide interesting insights. The ring represents associations in a broad sense, whether romantic, familial, professional, or friendly. It is the card of the relationship with others and with oneself.
-The second card no. 15, represents a bear, I like to see this card as inner strength, the anima, the uncontrollable animal energy that drives us to break established rules to intuitively follow the rules of our deep nature.
-The third card no. 21 represents a mountain, often called the mount; it represents something great, a solid anchor, slowness, heaviness, the foreigner, borders, and can be analyzed as the card of personal boundaries, both positive and negative.
"I connect with my wild nature, which allows me to firmly anchor my truth in my life."
Finally, the third column consists of cards no. 14, 2, and 7.
-The first card no. 14 represents a fox, often perceived as a negative card; I like to think of the fox as a card of creative intelligence, which allows us to step off the beaten path in an innovative way. Here, it can also represent a state of voluntary isolation, calculated risk-taking, or a return to our true nature.
-The second card No. 2, represents a clover, often associated with luck and opportunities, I like to analyze the clover as a young shoot taking root, our ability to create our own luck and to take our responsibilities consciously.
-The third card no. 7 represents a snake, which I like to analyze as the card of transformations, of the ripe, it is sometimes perceived as a card of conflicts, of turmoil, but I like to see the snake as a wise being, which can also refer to the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
"Here I am able to create the opportunity I need to assert and enforce my boundaries."
Now that the draw has been made, you can summarize your various analyses by simplifying the message to resonate more with your feelings. Here is the summary with which I conclude this draw:
By accepting my true nature and enjoying my life, I discover that I no longer need the approval of others to act with integrity, following my instincts with confidence. My fears are valid and help me protect my identity by expressing my needs honestly.
By adjusting the established rules to my needs, I am able to create a life that resembles me, where the grace of my innocence blends with the strength of my wild nature. In this creative and vibrant space, I know I am capable of creating the opportunities I need to assert my identity and defend my boundaries with flexibility.
"When you draw a card, you can not only analyze the symbols of the cards but also what they inspire in you; the snake, for example, in Lenormand is considered to be a negative card of conflicts and confrontation."
"Today, this snake inspired me to assert my personal boundaries and my deep nature, the image that came to me during the reading is that of a fish being told to cross the desert in order to be allowed to dive into the water, the fish knows that it will die before reaching its goal and that other solutions are possible if it is able to assert its needs and take care of itself, without being influenced by others!"
"This is where the serpent takes on a more positive form, that of self-assertion and the wisdom of listening to one's deep needs, even if it does not conform to the rules or expectations of others!"
A beautiful meditation on the importance of listening to and respecting our deep feelings in the face of adversity.
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NOTE: This vision of divination was developed after years of research and personal reflection on this subject, it in no way seeks to replace established concepts, but rather to open up reflection and discussion; If you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment below or use a contact form.
On the Value of Being Oneself - A Thematic Analysis© 2023 by Anne-Lise Pollet is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International