Divination bienveillante

Mindful divination

Mindful divination is a divinatory technique which invites the practitioner to concentrate on the present moment, to refocus their attention on their feelings, in order to allow them to deepen their awareness of their sensitive experience, by exploring the subtle nuances linking their emotions to their feelings. feelings and thoughts.  

This holistic practice will allow you to contact your deep essence, learn more about your essential nature and clearly articulate the links connecting your soul to your body, your heart and your mind, while respecting your personal needs. . 



Divination is first and foremost a tool that allows you to connect with your soul; as a practitioner or consultant, benevolent divination will help you become aware of your truth, by shedding light on the conscious and unconscious dynamics that you consider as truths or an identity, with which you are or are not comfortable, in order to gently detach from them according to your own rules. 

When you have doubts about your life, you feel confused or a detail in your life bothers you, without being able to understand why, benevolent divination can help you identify the unconscious patterns that fuel this dynamic without that you realize this, in order to give you the keys to reflection and action to take back the reins of your life at your own pace. 


Divination or the oracle which helps you interpret the signs of cards and oracles, is in no way a substitute for your decision-making power and your free will; If you wish, you can view cards, divinatory arts and diviners as translators, helping you make sense of the subtle messages from the universe, using a symbolic language that will allow your soul to express itself au- beyond the limits imposed by your mind, unconscious conditioning or transgenerational memories, to access the truth of your divine essence. 

So, when you contact a practitioner, always think about the objective you wish to achieve by consulting: remember that when you consult a doctor or a plumber, you have a specific objective, but you do not necessarily know how to achieve it , you consult them to obtain advice informed by particular knowledge and research carried out by a professional body on a particular theme over years. 

You therefore know that you can trust these people, but you are also sufficiently present in your experience to exercise discernment, knowing that not everyone knows everything and that not all practitioners have the same approach. It is therefore important for you to know what suits you and what you expect from these professionals, or to find out through intentional research. 



When you place an order on the store or when you use the tools offered to train you, you will be invited to concentrate on the present moment, to discover and perhaps rediscover what this notion means to you, in order to put into practice perspective the person you are today with the person you have been and the person you want to become. 

By observing with detachment and curiosity your feelings and the way you connect to your body, your emotions and your thoughts, you will begin to gently understand the way you function. This way, you will be able to clarify your vision of life, your identity and identify more clearly who you are when no one is dictating to you what you should think, feel, what you should look like or how you should act. 



Freed from external expectations, fears and unconscious judgments, you will be better able to hear the voice of your soul and follow your intuition with confidence. You will learn to use doubt to strengthen your authentic presence, detaching yourself from your unconscious patterns through active, caring, open and curious listening to your natural needs. 

At the same time, you will learn to create a climate of confidence within yourself and around you, which will allow your soul to express itself more clearly and communicate with you more fluidly. You will rediscover the natural language of your soul, learn to tame your feelings, listen to your inner child and face your shadow with gentleness and compassion. 


If you wish to gently develop your awareness of your deep identity, discover the basics of benevolent divination with the Runic Divination Manual currently available on Amazon! You will learn to invoke entities to frame your readings, to purify your decks, to formulate your questions accurately, to select and design your readings according to your situation, to interpret the runes, and to follow up on your predictions.

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NOTE: This vision of divination was developed after years of research and personal reflection on this subject, it in no way seeks to replace established concepts, but rather to open up reflection and discussion; If you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment below or use a contact form.


 Mindful divination © 2024 by Anne-Lise Pollet is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

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