La divination et le temps - presenceartdevivre

Divination and Time

In previous articles, you have discovered that divination is a tool that can serve both the consciousness of an individual and their self-awareness, the realization of their goals and dreams, as well as the redefinition of their personal balance; thus it serves the evolution of humanity by allowing each individual to affirm their identity and refine the authentic expression of their personal truth by enabling them to channel their energies, in service of the life that has been offered to them. Each individual serves life in their own way, relying on their senses, feelings, and vision to create a life that best meets their personal needs. 



Each individual experiences life according to a universal pattern, which is inscribed in space and time: the seasons, the cycles of the sun and the moon, birth and death defining the great boundaries that fascinate as much as they frighten. Your vision of life therefore depends on your awareness of the world and your potential for expansion, which can be influenced by the consciousness that Humanity has built of its own identity. To survive, Humanity had to explore, question, and design rules and tools that allowed it to surpass its limits, to arrive at the model you are experiencing today.

This model is nothing more than a complex construction, born from the multiple experiences of our ancestors which, with each generation, have been refined to ensure the survival of the species. Humanity therefore always follows the same cycles and responds to the same needs, but in a completely new way, addressing the essential needs of its time. As an oracle, practitioner, and as an individual, you experience these cycles and they in turn influence your practice, so it is vital to understand what purposes they serve and how to best approach them to act with discernment in your practice and daily life.

  • Cycles of the seasons and seasons of the soul
    Every individual and every entity present on Earth responds to the cycle of the seasons, directly or indirectly, every element that makes up planet Earth functions interdependently, providing a harmonious balance to our planetary ecosystem. As a living being, you biologically depend on the cycle of the seasons for your food, your hormonal cycles, and all your fundamental needs, which implies that your divinatory practice is directly impacted by the cycle of the seasons, whether you are aware of it or not!

    This implies that your evolution is cyclical and that the influence of your ancestors' past experiences has an impact on you and on future generations. Your experience and your life are therefore crucial elements, providing your lineage and the human species with unique lessons and experiences, which will nourish the collective unconscious at your death and your community during your lifetime. Your soul, your lineage, and the human species therefore go through phases of evolution similar to the four seasons, which it is your oracular responsibility to identify, in order to provide your clients and yourselves with fair advice aligned with the needs of the current season.

    In winter, you take the time to rest and regenerate, the earth does the same to prepare for the summer harvests, it is a time conducive to introspection and questioning narrow patterns to start anew on healthy foundations. In spring, you take the time to awaken to the new possibilities that present themselves to you, to adopt new habits and to cleanse yourself of the excesses of winter, you prepare the fields for the next harvest by planting your seeds. In summer, you nourish the work accomplished in spring, you reap the fruits of your labor, enjoy the sun and share the joy of being alive with those you love. In autumn, you take the time to take stock and prepare for the return of winter, you enjoy the last rays of the sun calmly.

    Identifying these cycles will allow you to gain a clearer picture of the energetic movements present in your life and those of your clients.
  • Hormonal cycles and polarities
    "Your body naturally follows the cycle of the seasons; the very nature of the terrestrial environment has allowed the human species to adapt to the different rhythms of the sun and the moon, enabling it to survive optimally. As you have seen earlier, men and women respond to these cycles in complementary ways, allowing for a subtle interdependence that enables the human species to thrive."

    Men and women therefore respond, biologically speaking, in different ways to these cycles; each individual having their own internal cycles reacting uniquely to the propositions of their environment: the cycles of your hormones and your sleep are therefore not only vital for your survival, but also a powerful indicator of your individual positioning within the great cycles of universal evolution.

    Whether you are an oracle or a consultant, it is therefore essential to identify your cycles and track their evolution, in order to accurately identify your fundamental needs and meet them sensibly. Remember that a choice at a given moment will impact the rest of your cycles. Demonstrating patience and discernment is often the key to your most severe concerns: choosing to observe before acting will save you from a great number of pitfalls!


Whether you are an experienced practitioner or a complete beginner, you may have already understood that divination is a practice that unfolds over time: analyzing future energies to know what fate has in store for you, studying the past to heal present ailments, developing your intuition by deeply analyzing your feelings and daily experiences, etc.

All these techniques allow you to position yourself in your life, your approach, and your understanding of time, and how your identity fits into its field of expression and develops outside of time is the key to a total divinatory practice, opening you up to unexpected discoveries about your nature and your fundamental identity.

As with the basic approaches to divination, you will now be able to discover the different archetypes of temporal analyses that will allow you to articulate the notions of time, deep identity, and personal positioning in your life and in your divinatory practice in depth.

  • The past and identity memory
    What is called the past represents the memory we have of events we have lived through, or that we would have liked to experience. This means that the notion of the past for your divinatory practice is a vast and unique subject for each individual: some live with a wound dating back several decades as if it had happened yesterday, while others lose memories of their life and a part of their identity with it. 

    What defines the notion of the past is therefore the relationship that an individual has with a lived or non-lived experience, their emotional as well as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual feelings. Some memories are passed down from generation to generation through the body, thus leaving confused those who have no direct connection to these experiences.

    When you study the energies of the past, you use the lens of the present moment to touch an emotional memory inscribed in the body, the body, the mind, or the soul of an individual. This approach allows you to "go back" in time to reach the source of this memory in order to heal its origin rather than the apparent symptoms.

  • The present and the experience of the moment 
    What is called the present represents all the experiences and feelings closest to the identity that an individual likes to identify with. This is why some mental illnesses and certain physical sufferings can be so subtle to identify: even if there seems to be no immediate connection between the symptoms experienced and an individual's life experience, the suffering is indeed there.

    If an individual is aware or not of how they define themselves in their life, in their personal history, and in the history of their lineage, unconscious wounds perceived as "normal" will not be addressed and will impact the person's life in more or less obvious ways. We often talk about family curses or transgenerational cycles.

    Feelings, emotions, and experiences are stored in the body, heart, soul, and mind of an individual; if they are not processed, like a foreign body, the different identity layers of an individual will adapt to their presence in more or less optimal ways.

    Studying the energies of the present is therefore just as much about observing the sum of an individual's experiences at a given moment T, but also all the memories and legacies of that person's lineage and how they are inscribed in their life.

  • The future and change
    What we call the future is nothing more than the sum of the hopes, dreams, and expectations that an individual wishes to embody or of which they wish to have a conscious experience. This means that the future is as much an extension of the past as it is of the present and that it does not solely depend on the fate that was assigned at an individual's birth.
    Studying future energies is therefore not just about observing the unique path of an individual that has been predetermined for them, it is about fluidly and flexibly exploring all the potential destinies available to them, depending on the decisions made at a given moment.

    Destiny, karma, and all the energetic notions implying that an individual cannot act on their life are actually an illustration of a vision of the future: if an individual does not fundamentally change the vision they have of themselves, then they will always act in accordance with that identity, which will inevitably lead them in the same direction.
    On the other hand, if the person becomes aware of their unconscious patterns and chooses to act actively and consciously differently, then the destiny intended for them will no longer apply and will change according to the new identity that this person has chosen to embody!

You can already start to see how the notion of time and the different temporal archetypes can overlap with one another and how the way an individual defines and acts in the world impacts their destiny and life organically. But how can one evolve a person's identity in order to achieve a vision and goals that are more in line with their identity in order to create a harmonious life?

This is where mindful divination or benevolent divination comes into play. Through attentive observation of an individual's emotions, behaviors, and feelings in an open and curious manner, you will be able to reach the source of their personal truth to help them consciously express their deep identity, free from any temporal influence.



    What defines an individual's identity in contemporary society is most often their name, professional status, family origins, social titles, family, friends, possessions, and the personality they have built over time.
    This type of identity is therefore particularly fragile to unexpected and uncontrollable life changes that are called fate or chance, as its construction is solely linked to notions of external possessions that have nothing to do with a person's deep truth: their feelings, their passions, and their way of expressing themselves and perceiving the world.

    An identity is not constructed, unless it is based on egotistical needs; the deep identity of an individual is something that cannot be changed, it is an authentic expression of natural feelings.
    The revelation of this identity and the withdrawal of the social mask is sometimes painful. Nowadays, many LGBTQ+ individuals seeking to express their deep identity feelings face fierce resistance, as questioning an egotistical identity can feel like a personal attack.

    "Yet this is not the case, but the person who bases their identity on their ego will one day experience profound questioning that will force them to let go of everything they took for granted in their life. This experience can resemble a death: imagine that the clothes you are currently wearing are your skin, deep down you perceive them as your skin, it is fragile and must be protected from any shock."

    When a person expresses their truth in front of you, your "skin" takes a hit, because you can feel that their clothes are not their skin, but you don't understand why or how it works, so you seek to protect your skin because it pulls on your ego and makes you bleed.

    "When you are suffering and do not understand why, when your life is collapsing before your eyes, when you feel like you are losing control, it is an important moment in your life, the moment when your vision of your identity, your egoic skin, your social mask is called into question in order to allow you to identify who you really are beneath the layers of conditioning."

    Imagine now that you want to take off this skin like a garment; if you are deeply aware that your skin is actually a garment, you will be able to remove it without any problem. If that is not the case, you will feel like you are being flayed alive! That is why it is essential to take your time in the process of becoming aware of your deep identity, where you might risk hurting yourself.



    The deep identity of an individual could be described as their essence, their personal truth, the timeless being that, regardless of circumstances, incarnations, or conditions, cannot be changed. It is the core that allows the individual to understand the world around them and to adapt to their environment without being fundamentally impacted. Some would call it the soul, but I believe that the soul is a particular expression of it. To recognize and embody your deep identity, you will need to take the time to know yourself.

    Life and its multiple experiences are there to allow you to connect with your essential being and to identify through your feelings, your behaviors, your thoughts, and your natural abilities how it expresses itself through you in this life. Your deep identity is therefore not a person you must embody to be yourself; it is a state of mind, a state of being, and a relationship with the world that allows you to see beyond appearances and to call upon your original creative abilities to create a life that deeply resembles you.

    In a certain way, you are already experiencing this presence in your life; you are just not aware of it. By using symbolic language and divination, you allow yourself to connect with that part of you that is just waiting for your green light to actively participate in the creation of your life.
    This part allows you to connect spiritually and energetically to life, child of the divine, you will be able to connect to the Source of creation through it and channel your fundamental energies to express your divine truth on Earth.


    If you wish to gently develop your awareness of your deep identity, discover the basics of benevolent divination with the Runic Divination Manual available on Amazon! Learn to ask the right questions, analyze the runes with simplicity, discover how to create and purify your personalized rune set, and much more! 

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    NOTE: This vision of divination was developed after years of research and personal reflection on this subject, it in no way seeks to replace established concepts, but rather to open up reflection and discussion; If you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment below or use a contact form.


    Divination and Time © 2023 by Anne-Lise Pollet is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International 

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