Divination - Sphères d'influence - presenceartdevivre

Divination - Spheres of Influence

The source of contemporary divinatory practices dates back to ancient times, when fundamental questions about life, death, love, and destiny were already being asked. As we enter a new era, we must face new challenges, both on an individual and global level.

New challenges are presenting themselves to us, accompanied by more or less comfortable questions regarding our ways of life, our fundamental needs, our identity, and our relationship with the world.

If Humanity has always sought to deepen its knowledge and skills, its goal has been to ensure the long-term survival of our species. Divination has been and still is one of the tools that allow us to connect with the energies of our time, to act wisely in our lives and ensure a smooth evolution of the collective, one individual at a time. 



In its quest for knowledge, Humanity has encountered numerous more or less bloody lessons, which have allowed it to become aware of the crucial issues underlying the survival of the species, but also the responsibilities of each individual within the group.

Divinatory arts are first and foremost tools that allow an individual to expand their vision, providing them with a playground on which to pose all their questions, from the most terrible to the wisest, thus accessing a wisdom before experiencing it in their life.

Divination thus serves as a medium of communication between the visible and the invisible, allowing the practitioner to evolve their understanding of the world and the laws that govern it, through a careful study of the subtle movements of the primordial energies at the origin of its creation.



Life has a funny way of taking us where we need to go to grow in wisdom; some are led to start a family while others find themselves alone, some despairing of their fate while others find a stable rock that allows them to express their full potential. When we are led to practice divination, it is often because of a harsh life trial that makes us understand that our existence is governed by unknown forces, over which we have no control.

Wherever you are in your oracle journey, know that the use of divination and different divinatory techniques can be approached in various ways, in order to best serve your life goals in the present moment, your personal evolution in the long term, and your unique relationship with the world. You can choose the approach that suits you in the present moment, while developing the others as you wish.

    The rarest technique consists of using divination to heal from past ailments that harm you in the present moment and of which you may not be aware. Very subtle, this practice requires a certain balance from the practitioner in order to wisely approach the information provided by the cards.
    This approach to divination will make you work on the relationship between your past life and your present, in order to understand how your experiences, feelings, and needs impact your life. By learning to reconnect with your essential being, you will be able to discover how to truly take care of yourself, in a way that respects your fundamental nature, in order to move away from judgment and shame, and to rediscover your light.

      The most well-known approach to divination involves reading the future in order to prevent potential suffering and create lasting abundance. This practice is based on a study of the energies connecting your present life to your future life, in order to help you determine the energetic terrain to work with to achieve your dreams.
      This technique can be particularly effective if you choose to refocus the analysis of future energies as a tool that should enable the consultant to take responsibility in the present moment, to use their free will, and to become aware of their personal power, in order to assert their own identity. 
        The second most well-known approach involves analyzing energies to identify the imbalances that are causing you harm in your daily life, in order to regain a sense of calm and peace in your heart.
        This approach can just as well have you work with the energies of the present moment, as well as those of the past and the future, to allow you to become aware of your essential needs and how they evolve over time through your emotions, your feelings, your thought patterns, your beliefs, and your needs. 

        The third approach involves using divination as a tool for introspection, particularly effective for meditating on complex notions, becoming aware of your deep identity, and affirming your authenticity by questioning preconceived thought patterns, limiting habits, or unconscious conditioning.
        This approach has you work with the energies of the present moment, focusing your attention on the attentive and curious observation of your feelings and behaviors, in order to help you identify the authentic expression of your essential being.


      Now that you are aware of the different approaches available for your learning, you will be able to start practicing divination more intentionally. Little by little, you will become aware that the formulation of your questions, the way you perceive the world, and the way you define yourself as an individual greatly influence your analyses and your personal practice organically.

      The approaches presented in this article will be the subject of articles and courses, allowing you to better understand how to integrate them into your practice, how to use them wisely, and how to develop your own techniques based on your personal evolution, your deep needs, and your intuition!

      In a series of articles, I would suggest defining your oracular identity, your style, and your voice, relying on your personal qualities and natural talents to create a practice that resembles you and serves your evolution in the present moment. As in any form of learning, I would offer you different tools and archetypes from which you can draw to define your oracular identity and thus facilitate your learning, relying on your natural qualities and talents.

      • In the second article, I will discuss the different styles and archetypes of oracles that you can embody based on your personal qualities and interests, allowing you to choose your approach to the analysis and interpretation of oracles based on your fundamental identity: writer, artist, scholar, or medium.

      • In the third article, I would invite you to discover the relationship between your gender identity (biological and personal) and your fundamental energies through the feminine and masculine polarities. How your cycles impact your way of reading cards, positioning yourself in the world, and expressing your full potential beyond appearances.

      • In the fourth article, I will take stock of the notions of time, cycle, and rhythm in order to help you identify how your personal energies and your vision of time allow you to more precisely integrate your divinatory practice into a work of consciousness expansion, through the redefinition of the conscious and unconscious limits of your truth-reality.


      Discover the basics of benevolent divination with the Runic divination manual available on Amazon! Learn to ask the right questions, analyze runes with ease, discover how to create and purify your personalized rune set and much more! 


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      NOTE: This vision of divination was developed after years of research and personal reflection on this subject, it in no way seeks to replace established concepts, but rather to open up reflection and discussion; If you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment below or use a contact form.


      Divination - Spheres of Influence © 2023 by Anne-Lise Pollet is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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