Divination is a practical tool that will allow you to intuitively explore the unknown and the mysteries of the Universe one day at a time, through your feelings, your intuition, and your personal experiences.
Your body is the medium that allows you to explore and taste the world around you, through your senses, your emotions, and your thoughts. This unique perspective that is yours is therefore very valuable, both for you and for the collective.
"If your identity is a door to the infinite beauty of the Universe, it is important to study the fundamental concepts that will allow you to become aware of your worth."
The word energy takes on different definitions in different disciplines, but all these approaches, whether physical, biological, or esoteric, converge on one point: energy is a force that transmits information in the service of the preservation and expansion of various life processes. What divination studies is the spiritual relationship connecting what we call physical life to movements of invisible lives, which are sensibly linked to each other.
Scientifically, life has been categorized based on observable and quantifiable data, which have allowed us to determine the fundamental rules. The study of the energetic movements of planets, the human body, or the divinatory reading of an individual's destiny, therefore serves primarily as an analytical tool that enables us to develop our understanding of the world and our identity as human beings, being part of a global ecosystem.
At a fundamental level, we like to give these energies a direction, a meaning to their expression that we call polarity: at the scientific level, we talk about positive and negative polarities, at the biological level, we talk about feminine and masculine genders, at the esoteric level, we talk about the sun and the moon, etc. All the learnings and material creations of our civilizations are based on an observation of elements that nourish our understanding of the great principles of life, both at the scientific, spiritual, and artistic levels, etc. The notion of polarity gives us a solid working foundation on which we can develop our reflection, study the world, and formulate hypotheses that will allow us to grow in wisdom at multiple levels.
On a divinatory level, the energies you are going to study are based on these great principles: whether you are a man or a woman, you are already regularly facing these notions. Your worldview is therefore your starting point in the study and understanding of the mysteries of life. If you wish to improve your daily life, gain confidence in yourself, create a project that is close to your heart, or simply achieve peace and serenity, your starting point is you!
Everything that matters to you, your needs, your dreams, your hopes, all of this has been created by your life experience and the awareness you have of your identity. The way you define yourself as an individual says a lot about you and how you think, your values, and your way of connecting to the world. There lies your true power, in your ability to define your reality through the awareness you have of your identity.
"Let's return to the notion of polarity for a moment, the one on which science and spirituality rely to define our human experience: the notions of feminine and masculine. At the biological level, we like to define children at birth based on the biological development of their reproductive system."
At the spiritual level, however, the definition of feminine and masculine is more symbolic than biological, allowing each individual to identify in their own way with the different polarities currently identified. Today, many people define themselves as non-binary, their gender identity not necessarily being linked to their biological sex, thus we see the emergence of the notion of emotional gender identity!
Your relationship with your identity and the way you define yourself as a living being will therefore have a fundamental impact on how you live and on how you practice divination. At the biological level, the feminine and masculine polarities experience daily hormonal variations, which manifest differently over the long term: monthly cycles, seasonal rhythms, and circadian cycles of day and night regulate these hormones and the biological role accompanying these natural functions, with each polarity working through them in service of one another, for the greater well-being of each.
Each individual therefore has a function within creation; some believe that their gender identity makes them superior to others or that their function is more important than that of others. However, by observing the cycles and relationships of the entities that make up this Universe, we realize that each being has a specific function and that comparison is no longer relevant when everyone has their place in the great Universal order.
"Your gender or gender identity does not make you superior or inferior to others; however, it predisposes you to certain actions and a certain rhythm. Observing this rhythm and welcoming it with respect is therefore the first creative act you can make in your life."
As an oracle and as a living being, you have the ability to connect with the subtle energies of the Universe. By harmonizing with your personal cycles, the seasonal cycles, or the cycles of the moon, you will then be able to embody your fundamental function with fluidity, allowing the life energy to flow through you, inspiring you to take innovative creative actions in service of the greater good of all!
Embody your role and your place will come to you!
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NOTE: This vision of divination was developed after years of research and personal reflection on this subject, it in no way seeks to replace established concepts, but rather to open up reflection and discussion; If you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment below or use a contact form.
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